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Greater Jobs
Greater Jobs
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Here at Bolton Council we're looking for people with dedication, enthusiasm and a passion for Bolton to come and join us in a variety of roles.   From admin support to social workers, IT roles to Finance and street cleaning, there is something for everyone!

Drop in and see us at Bolton Market near the Food Court - the stand is open for leaflets every market day and we'll display our "pop-up" recruitment sessions on the easel each week.   The HR team will be there from 12-2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

This week we're looking for someone with a passion for culture to join our Library Service

Libraries and Museums Assistant | Job Details | greater jobs

And if people really are your thing, come and join our HR team 

Corporate HR Lead | Job Details | greater jobs

All you need to do is search through the roles on the website, click and apply. 

#Workforce Wednesday

Work with Us | greater jobs

Bolton Town Hall